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My Goal

As the publishing world becomes increasingly competitive, it’s vital for a manuscript to be well-written and present a cogent and exciting story. Once that early novel draft is complete, an author needs honest feedback that includes a thorough examination of the elements of craft, as well as insights into improving the flow and identifying inconsistencies. I offer a quick turnaround and reasonable rates. 

More than thirty years ago when I first became involved in writing and publishing as a creative writing student and managing editor of a national literary magazine, I discovered what I found most rewarding in my life was helping writers meet their writing goals.  

Writing-related Experience

1994 - present

Karen Mann Edits

2000 - present

Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing

Developmental Editor. See for testimonials, philosophy, and bio.

Co-founder and Administrative Director. Helped grow this low-residency MFA in Writing program from 40 students to more than 850 alums. Since 2018, the School also offers a Master’s of Arts in Writing and certificate programs. Staff of five, 40 faculty, and 80 students. Currently part-time.

2003 – 2010

Spalding University

2003 – 2010

University of Louisville, Spalding Univesrity

Participated, with instructors and students, in several full-length prose manuscript workshops. Read completed manuscripts and offered verbal and written critiques.

Adjunct creative writing instructor at both universities


The Louisville review

Managing Editor for this national literary journal and small book publisher. Read submissions, readied manuscripts for publication and for printer, proofread, and distributed.


Indiana University, Bloomington

University of Louisville

University of Louisville

B.A. English Literature

M.A. English Literature with a concentration in creative writing

M.A. Higher Education Administration

Book Publications

Historical fiction. Soft cover.

The Woman of La Mancha (Fleur-de-Lis Press, 2014). The woman's story of Miguel de Cervantes's Don Quixote

Paranormal romance. E-book.

The Saved Man (Page Turners Press, 2014). Set in the first century, this paranormal romance follows four immortal Roman soldiers throughout the centuries seeking their reincarnated soulmates. 

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